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Timesplitters Rewind (2021)

Timesplitters Rewind is a fan-made remake of the TimeSplitters trilogy. I joined the team in September as a Technical game designer.


My tasks on the game have been to code the logic and recreate the game's challenge modes, as well as design and build new challeneges that were not in the origial game. I have used Unreal Engine 4 and blueprints to achieve this.

One of my main challenges has been faithfully recreating the original games feel to appeal to the sense of nostalgia, whilst also bringing certain quality of life improvements that people would expect from a modern game.

International Space Banana (2020)

International Space Banana is a enjoyably challenging platformer where you control a banana floating around a space station in low gravity. Development began as a game jam, created by myself and another designer. It was the 2nd most downloaded game in the jam, and after receiving such great feedback, we decided to develop the project in to a full release, including a full story mode, co-op and competitive modes and much more puzzzles and mechanics.

We are working with the publisher PQube to bring the game to Steam.

My contributions:

  • Programming

    • As the sole programmer it was my job to develop the games gameplay and systems. Some of these include: movement/controls, keycards, buttons/timers, Steam integration and more.

  • Gameplay Design/Levels

    • It was my job to tweak the games mechanics in order to make them feel as good as possible. The main challenge was getting the banana's controls in a state where they gave the user enough control while still keeping the game challenging.


Spilling Balls (2020)

Spilling Balls is a hyper casual game about pouring balls in containers while spilling as few as possible.

My contributions:

  • Programming

    • The games code was completed in 2 days. It includes the pouring mechanic, scoring system, player customization, and saving.

  • Game Design

    • The goal for the games design was to make it feel as satisfying and addictive as possible, in order to complete with other popular ASMR, satisfying style games. This was achieved through careful consideration of the balls spawn rate, as well as the randomization of collision sounds.

  • Level Design

    • The levels in the game were designed to be very easy but make the player feel like they have overcome a difficult challenge.

  • Art/UI

    • All of the games art and interface was created in Photoshop. The game used a very simple clean style, as this appears to work well in the hyper casual marketplace.

Rainbow Beach (2019)

Rainbow Beach is a relaxing puzzle adventure game, which challenges players thorugh speed based colour mixing puzzles. Players use a drum to cast colours, which can be used to open chests, destroy turret projectiles and defeat enemies. Rewards such as pets, notes and keys can be found around the beautiful tropical islands and volcanoes.

My contributions:

  • Gameplay Design

    • Drum: Play beats on a drum to produce and mix colours. These match up with the colours on an Xbox controller.

    • Chests: Chests work as speed puzzles, to test a player's colour mixing ability under pressure. These come in the form of timed chests, and reaction chests. Opening them will give rewards such as notes with lore, cosmetic pets, collectables and keys.

    • Ink Mixers: Ink mixer machines allow the player to collect ink from defeated squid enemies. The goal is to match a certain colour using the found ink.

  • Technical Design and programming

    • I programmed gameplay, tools and prefabs in engine for myself and other designers to use to build levels.

  • Level Design

    • Designed and built the levels alongside 2 other designers.

  • UI and Inventory system

    • Designed and built the UI, menu and inventory systems.

You Do Voodoo (2017)

You Do Voodoo was a major project at university. It is a 4 player couch co-op game, where you play as voodoo dolls, slapping each other and using voodoo to defeat others. It has a unique level customization feature, where each player rotates their quarter of the map before the game starts; powerups; unique damage system (Hurt yourself while wearing others clothing to damage them).


Winner of ‘Best first year game’ at Falmouth university’s show and tell event.

My contributions:


  • Gameplay

    • We wanted to give the gameplay of You Do Voodoo a satisfying and playful feel, similar to that of other popular couch co-op games such as Gang Beasts and Overcooked. The gameplay loop consists of players slapping other players to gain their heirlooms, then bringing that heirloom to a trap. (A player's health is affected by the state of their heirloom). This resulted in extremley fun and comical cat and mouse chase sequences, where one player is running away with a stolen heirloom, whilst another another is chasing him down trying to recover it. Meanwhile the other players might be on the offensive using a range of powerups to add spice to the gameplay.

  • Level Design

    • Since we wanted customizable levels, we wanted to ensure that a functional and interesting level would be presented every time. This was a difficult challenge, as even though each of the 4 tiles only had 4 rotations, this added in a lot of variables. After lots of paper prototyping and scrapped ideas, we eventually came up with a level which proved fun every time.

  • UI implementation

    • I designed and built the UI within Unity in order to provide useful information to all 4 players. Since this is something 4 players would be crowded around, it was important to make the UI large and clear.

  • QA Testing

    • Myself and the team spent many hours QA testing the game to find bugs, and design errors throughout. This helped us reach a high level of polish upon release.

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